Mark Rogers 2020 Campbelltown Hobbies Team Driver

On: 1 February 2020 

Campbelltown hobbies would like to welcome and Thank Mark Rogers for signing with Campbelltown hobbies, CHR for the 2020 RC Racing season. 


First of all I would like to thank, and welcome CHR /Campbelltown Hobbies as supporters of my racing program, and for my return to the track during the 2020 race season! 

Let say I have been racing “a while”...
I started in EP 1/10 off-road at the age of 6, that was (waaaay) back in April 1986 at the original Mildura RC Club. This year I turn 40, and you know what, I still love racing and our R/C hobby! 
I moved to the Modified Off-Road classes permanently in late 2003 after a long run in on-road, and in that time have been lucky enough to be involved in some fantastic teams and partnerships. My first sponsor was a local Hobby Shop in the ACT back in 1995, and since then I have strongly believed in supporting local businesses that support our tracks, clubs, and give both seasoned racers and newcomers to our hobby/sport a place for supplies, support and advice, exactly what CHR do very well! 
Since 2013 I have raced with the backing of Team Associated, And more recently Reedy and JConcepts, and am one of the proud founding members of the “Team Associated Australia” devision of the Factory Team outfit in our country. 

As far as my racing goes, I have done, well ..“quite a bit” may best describe it. haha!
VDS, ORRCA Vic, ORRCA Qld, AARCMCC state and national rounds in all states of Australia (only missing out on NT), RCRA and lots more. I’ve also competed internationally a few times at the famed OCRC, and Reedy Championships event at HotRod in California. 
Since 2012 I have been a regular in the Modified A-Mains at the state and national rounds, and have enjoyed racing close and fair with the best racers this country has to offer.. I even out qualified the (at the time) current WC Spencer Rivkin once on a slick bumpy clay track in the US.. hey, it’s once, but I’ll still claim it! Haha! (..No, he didn’t DNF )

But most of all, I just love racing, and passing on our skills long learnt to newcomers and like minded racers. 
You may also know me previously as the club president of MRCCC and currently a driving standards / race referee at many events around Vic. 

The last 2 years has seen me at the track, but off the track with some nasty vision issues (read: eye damage), but all that’s now resolved, and it’s time to hit the tracks again!! 

Hit me up with any questions relating to the cars I’m rolling with, or the equipment in them! Always more than happy to help!

Debut for 2020 will be my Team Associated B6.2, B74, and retaining Reedy motors, batteries and ESC and JC bodies, wings and tyres. 

See you on the grid


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